A husband and wife are driving down the road in a sullen mood after they’ve just had a terrible fight, when they are pulled over by a police officer.
The officer walks up to the driver’s side window where the husband is sitting, and says, “Sir, do you have any idea why I pulled you over today?”
The husband says, “I haven’t a clue.”
“You were going about fifteen miles per hour over the speed limit.”
The husband appears shocked. “Oh my, I had no idea what the speed limit was on this road! I’m so sorry!”

At this point, the wife leans in and says, “Honey, please. You drive this road every day, you know perfectly well what the speed limit is.”
The husband frowns at his wife, but says nothing.
The officer continues, “I also noticed that your tail light was out.”
The husband looks over his shoulder in surprise, as if examining the light himself. “Is it really? I had no idea! I’ll need to get that fixed, thank you sir.”
His wife turns to him again. “That’s what you told the last policeman who pulled you over!”
The husband turns to her and grumbles, “Would you please be quiet?”

The officer takes a closer look at the husband. “I see that your seat belt isn’t fastened. Care to explain that?”
“Oh,” the husband replies with a charming smile. “I only just unfastened it so that I could reach for my wallet to get you my driver’s license, officer.”
The wife lets out an amused chuckle. “I haven’t seen you wear a seatbelt in years, dear!”
Finally, her husband turns to her and barks, “For the love of God woman, would you shut up!?”
The officer addresses the wife with concern. “M’am, does your husband speak to you this way often?”
She leans toward the officer as if to confide in him, and says, “Only when he’s been drinking.”