
5 things you should not buy when the supermarket has a discount, especially number 3

5 things that supermarket staff recommend users not to buy no matter how much the discount is, because the quality may not be guaranteed.

Many families now regularly go to supermarkets because there are items that cannot be purchased at the market. In addition, supermarkets also offer a series of attractive promotions and discounts, attracting the attention of many housewives. However, supermarket staff says not all discounted items are worth buying.

nhan vien sieu thi tiet lo 5 thu khong nen mua cang giam gia cang tranh xa dac biet la so 3 1 2024 06 26 00 10
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In particular, some products should be avoided no matter how much they are discounted, because they may be old food that is not good for your health, especially during sales.

Peeled fruit

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When going to the supermarket, it is not difficult to see trays of pre-peeled  fruit, neatly arranged and sealed in plastic bags, very attractive to buyers. Many people prefer this type of product because it does not require peeling, and there are many different types of fruit, which is both convenient and economical. Just buy it and you can use it immediately. However, there is one thing that many users do not know: this pre-cut fruit can be taken from bruised or spoiled fruit.

The staff will cut off the damaged parts, arrange the remaining parts on a plate, wrap them in plastic, and turn them into fresh fruit plates. When doing so, the diners often do not realize that there is a problem. Moreover, if the fruit is sold whole, few people will buy it, but when it is pre-cut like this, it is often cheaper and is preferred by many people. Although it looks attractive and convenient, the quality and flavor of these  fruits may have been greatly reduced.

Ground meat

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Pre-ground meat is a food that many women will buy because it is convenient, does not require chopping or grinding at home, and can be processed into many delicious dishes.

Those trays of ground meat may look appealing, but you have no idea what kind of meat they are made from, and whether they are fresh. Ground meat is most likely made from scraps, fat, and old meat that has not been sold for a long time.

Discount milk

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Supermarkets always have milk sales or buy 1 get 1 free, or attach cute toys to attract children’s attention. The method of selling goods with gifts is used a lot to attract consumers’ attention. However, do not be tempted by cheap prices and buy a lot of milk products like this. Milk is mostly discounted because it is about to expire. Do not buy too much just because the item with the gift looks more attractive.

If you are sure that you can drink all the milk within the expiry date, you can buy a little, do not buy a lot to store, otherwise you will waste money. At that time, buying seems cheap but is not cheap at all.

Frozen seafood discount

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Seafood is a favorite dish of many people. When seeing a product on sale, some people will want to buy it to enjoy it. However, the discounted seafood may be because it has been left for too long, and the meat is no longer firm. When brought home to cook, the flavor will no longer be fresh and the nutritional value will also decrease.

This type of food can be marinated with too many preservatives to keep it fresh and not spoiled after a long time on the shelf. In addition, it is important to remember that seafood is a food that is easily contaminated with bacteria. Storing or freezing seafood in the refrigerator can only slow down the growth of bacteria and pathogens, but cannot eliminate them. Especially if shrimp, crab, and squid are left for a long time, the bacteria content will increase, thereby changing the amount of protein in the food, which will be extremely harmful when eaten.

Prepared food

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The type of food that you should not buy in the supermarket is vegetables and fruits that are pre-processed and stored in plastic boxes. This makes people feel that they are delicious and convenient, but in fact, most of these foods are partially spoiled and cannot be sold. Such foods will quickly attract a lot of bacteria, which will greatly affect the health of the eater.

Hopefully, with this information, you will have smarter and safer shopping choices when going to the supermarket.

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