Love and RelationshipsMoral Story

When a man loses interest, it is for one or more of these reasons. Ladies, take note!

When a guy loses interest, it is for one or more of these reasons

1. He realized you are “not all that” now that he has seen other sides of you. Perhaps he just did not click with your personality or he came to the conclusion that you were too bold, bossy, brash or demanding.

2. He had a better option available or thought it would become available and he wanted to put his energy into this new pursuit.

3. You or the relationship was taking up too much of his time and energy. He realized it was time to prioritize other things. You slipped in his priority ranking.

Why Women Lose Interest In Men - Skill Of Attraction

4. You were just too much and were over the top clingy or needy.

5. You were jealous, suspicious or questioned his relationships with others or his loyalty to you.

6. You or he rushed the relationship and he suddenly realized it was going in a direction he did not want to go.

7. You liked or loved him too much. He knew he was not into you as much as you were into him and he wanted to send you a message he was done, hoping you’d break up with him first.

8. You had a bad habit or vice that he uncovered and could not live with.

Why Women Lose Interest | Kate Spring - Attraction Coach

9. He did not like your family or friends. Perhaps it was something your mother, father or best friends said to him. He knew liking you more would involve further interactions with your family and friends he dreaded the thought of that.

10. You cared too little about him. He had found himself falling for you but then got scared when he realized you were not returning his affection. He shut down and walked away because he hated the thought of getting hurt.

11 . He was not attracted to you anymore. This can be because you had a physical change in appearance or because he discovered he had a more attractive option available which caused you to look less attractive to him. Or it was all about the lust in the beginning and he was after one thing. Once you gave it to him, you were not so alluring to him anymore.

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