Moral Story

After Realizing How Much I Make, My Husband Vented His Fury on My Teenage Daughter

Most people keep secrets from their partners, even though they vowed to be completely honest. Sometimes these secrets are minor, but occasionally they can lead to family breakdowns. Here’s a letter from our reader Lorraine.

This is Lorraine’s letter:


We decided to find out what people think about this situation, and their opinions are divided.

© Ozan Çulha / Pexels
  • When there is mistrust and deception in a marriage. Nothing good will ever come. Secrets and lies will have that result. Nothing wrong with being in control of what is yours for better management. But hiding it is a deception, and you shouldn’t continue with a partner you don’t trust. Or even like because you too are deceiving. © Maria Solinas / Facebook
  • You are dirty for expecting your daughter’s stepdad to pay for her. So, hope that raise was worth it. © Allison Marie / Facebook
  • You were deceitful and he responded childishly. Wasn’t the daughter’s fault. Should have been forthcoming in the first place. All could have been avoided. © Joe Awe / Facebook
  • It’s obvious he’s controlling, or you would not have omitted the truth of what you were doing, and his reaction is proof of his nature, by all rights he never missed money he didn’t know about and the reason you felt you had to do this for your daughter is reason enough for him to be pleased that you were taking responsibility for her education, you can’t fix him, but you can fix yours and you daughters future without him, when he married you he took on both you & your daughters welfare please leave him… © Ages Page / Facebook

© lil artsy / Pexels

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