Eggplant is tasty, but not everyone should consume it. Here are the people who should avoid this vegetable:
1. People with Anemia or Iron Deficiency

The skin of eggplants contains anthocyanin. This substance “captures” iron ions found in other foods in the body, reducing iron absorption. It also has an effect on how zinc and copper ions are absorbed. People with anemia or iron deficiency should avoid eggplant and instead consume iron-rich foods such as red meat and animal liver.
2. People with Stomach Issues

Eating too much eggplant, which has a cooling nature, might cause stomach pain and diarrhea. As a result, people with stomach issues should limit their use of this vegetable.
3. People with Poor Digestive Function

Even if they do not have stomach aches or indigestion like children, people with weak digestive function may feel discomfort when eating eggplant due to its tough and rigid peel. If they want to consume eggplant, this group should peel it to ease the strain on their stomach.
4. People with Kidney Dise:ase

Eggplant includes a high concentration of oxalate, a plant-derived acid. Consuming too much can cause kidney stones. Consequently, those with kidney illness should avoid eating eggplant.