
Fun Personality Test: Which Colors Do You Notice First?

Although personality and IQ quizzes may not always be accurate, they’re fun to do to pass the time. According to this personality test, the first color you see may offer insight into how you come across to others.

Personality Test for Fun

A personality test that appears like a word search with a black background and green and white letters.
Image Credit: Viral Stories
A personality test is a fun way to pass the time while waiting at the DMV or doctor’s office. They’re not always accurate but sometimes they can instigate a chuckle as a few points can be fitting. For example, by testing which color hue you see first, this personality test guesses how people view you and what kind of person you might be.


Woman and rack with clothes in purple shades on lilac background, closeup
Source: Shutterstock

Gray Appeared First in the Personality Test

Woman with color sample cards choosing paint shade near grey wall, closeup. Interior design
Source: Shutterstock

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