
If your man keeps in touch with his ex, here’s what it means

1 He still has feelings for her

They broke up for a concrete reason, but that was not successful in keeping them off each other’s minds. He thinks the breakup was a wrong decision. It was done in haste, and in the process, it destroyed a perfectly good relationship. He wishes to get her back. However, that doesn’t mean she will feel the same. It will probably fade away with time.

2. He never wanted to break up

He wanted to stay in the relationship. But his ex was hell-bent on ending it. He stays in touch with her in the hope that she will rethink her decision and resume the relationship.

3. He unhappy in the present relationship

He unhappy in the present relationship. Therefore, he tries to find happiness in the old love. He likes to stay in touch with his ex-girlfriend because she feels familiar. He is too tired to put effort into the new relationship. That’s unfortunate for the person he is dating now. They shouldn’t have to tolerate such negligence.

His unhappiness in the present relationship can stem from two things:

– Incompatibility – That’s a real problem. No one should stay in an unhappy relationship because they are too scared to admit the truth.
– Still being in love with the ex – One should admit the true feelings. Being in a relationship with someone and loving someone else can’t go on for long.

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4. They are friends

The breakup was too weak to destroy their friendship. That’s why he is still in touch with the ex. However, a chance of reconciliation lingers. Two friends fell in love. They can fall in love again. However, if they had a bitter experience while in the relationship, they will never make that mistake again, getting back together is out of the question. Their bond as friends is stronger than their bond as lovers. They can’t throw away a decade-old friendship just because a two-month-old relationship failed.

5. He constantly needs to know what she is up to

They were extremely competitive as a couple. It was a toxic and unhealthy relationship that had to end in a breakup. However, he still likes to keep tabs on his ex. The unhealthy competition is not over yet.

He competes with her over jobs, salary, hot partners, and property. He wants to stay a step ahead of her at all times. Sometimes he succeeds; sometimes, she does. But the contest goes on. In the process, they stay in touch with each other.

6. He wants to tσrmєnt her

He is a mean person who gets a kick out of his ex-girlfriend’s misery. He moved on long ago (at least he says so) but still contacts his ex to unnecessarily nudge her.

He loves tσrmєnting her. This can happen in two scenarios:

– He knows she still has feelings for him. He loves to give her false hopes. He builds up this conversation full of romantic hints and has fun taking it all away from her after a few hours. The girl gives into his diabolical schemes every time as she is still in love with this toxic guy.
– She doesn’t want to talk to him. She has nothing to do with this expired relationship. But he still finds ways to irritate her in unique ways after regular intervals.

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