Life Style

Incredible Things You Didn’t Know Dish Soap Can Do

By Jennifer Noonan

It may seem like all that dish soap’s good for is getting your plates and cups sparkling again, but this soapy solution can do so much more. Here are 10 ways you should be using dish soap outside the sink.

Soothing Solution

Fill a ziplock bag with dish soap to create an effective and easy DIY ice pack. The soap won’t become solid but will instead form a cold gel that can soothe whatever’s ailing you.

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Fight Grease

The cleaning power of dish soap can extend past cups and plates. In fact, you can use it to bust grease and grime from a variety of items, including clothing, carpets, tile, and more. Next time you’re confronted with a tricky stain, look to dish soap before purchasing a specialty cleaner.

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Blow Bubbles

All work and no play makes dish soap a dull cleaner. It can obviously help you with your household chores, but it can also provide you with some fun in the form of a DIY bubble mix. Just add 2/3 cup of dish soap and two or three tablespoons of corn syrup or glycerin to a gallon of water. Then let the kids (or kids at heart) make merry.

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Goodbye, Flies

If fruit flies are taking over your home, you can quickly lay a simple trap for them with vinegar, dish soap, and water. Fill a small tumbler a little more than halfway with vinegar or apple cider vinegar. Then add six to eight drops of dish soap, and fill the rest of the container with warm water to make it bubble. This trap is gruesomely effective!

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Locate Leaks

Concerned that you might have a puncture in your tire, kickball, or air mattress? Mix up a simple solution of dish soap and water, and then spray it over the area of concern. If there’s a leak, the spot will start to bubble up, alerting you to the problem zone.

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Silence Squeaks

If you’re suffering from the shrill sound of a squeaky door but don’t have any commercial lubricants on hand, reach for your bottle of trusty dish soap to provide temporary relief. Add a few drops to the troublesome hinge, and then enjoy your peace and quiet.

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Protect Plants

You can make a nontoxic insecticide with some common dish soap and water. Just mix a couple of teaspoons of plain liquid soap (avoid those with degreasers, bleach, or antibacterial ingredients) into a cup of warm water, put the solution in a spray bottle, and then mist your plants. Most soft-bodied plant pests, such as aphids, whiteflies, and mites, are susceptible and will be eradicated from your leafy greens.

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Combat Clogs

If you’re suffering from a clogged toilet and the standard measures have failed you, try a little dish soap and hot water to help alleviate the blockage. First, pour about half a cup of soap into the toilet. Let it sit for 10 minutes or so, and then check to see if that strategy alone fixes the clog. If not, follow up with a gallon of hot water to get things running again.

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